What Does A Day in Doggy Daycare Looks Like?

Your furry friend comes home from K-9 Castle Dog Daycare happy and exhausted. You’ve had glimpses of their day through the webcam and adorable pictures, but have you ever wondered what a typical day in the life at this Denver doggie daycare really entails?

While every day is unique at this haven for pampered pooches, there is a delightful routine that keeps tails wagging.

So, let’s dive into the fluffier side of a day in the life of royalty pets at K-9 Castle Dog Daycare.

K9 Castle Doggy Daycare Schedule for Dogs
Husky playing with another dog

6:30 AM – Potty & Breakfast

The day begins bright and early at 6:30 AM, the boarding dogs are treated to a morning of outdoor playtime and potty breaks, all while the dedicated staff prepares their scrumptious meals inside. Simultaneously, a parade of eager doggy daycare pups begins their arrival for the day.

As the boarding dogs savor their breakfast, they patiently wait for their tummies to settle while their daycare buddies to arrive, ensuring they won’t have any upset stomachs during their action-packed day ahead.

7:00 AM – Morning Activities

After the dogs have waited 30 minutes post-breakfast for the food to settle, they are released into their designated playgroups, their tails wagging with sheer excitement. It’s time for the furry residents to embark on a day full of adventure, fun, and canine camaraderie.

8:00 AM – Play time!

By 8 AM, the last batch of doggie daycare pups arrive, and they are promptly sorted into their respective playgroups.

Now, it’s time for these lucky pups to explore the top-notch facilities, relish the company of their furry friends, and soak up some much-deserved affection from the K-9 Castle staff.

10:00 AM – Toys & Zoomies

Dogs with the zoomies!After a very active morning, playtime continues to unfold, offering dogs access to climate-controlled areas, an array of toys, refreshing water features, and more.

11:45 AM – Lunch & Nap Time

As the sun climbs higher in the sky, 11:45 AM heralds a slower pace and well-deserved break for our furry friends.

All dogs head indoors for their naptime, and for those who have lunch on the menu, it’s served in the comfort of their individual rooms.

The lights are dimmed, and soothing music is turned on, allowing our dog companions to relax and recharge.

2:00 PM – Grooming

St Bernard in the bath at doggie daycareAt 2 PM, the dogs awaken from their rejuvenating nap and are once again given the freedom to frolic with their fellow pup pals in the outdoor play area.

For those dogs who have a penchant for pampering, this is also the time when grooming sessions are scheduled, ensuring they look and feel their absolute best.

4:00 PM – More Play Time

The day gradually winds down at 4 PM, with some daycare dogs bidding farewell to their playmates as their loving owners come to pick them up. Others, however, still revel in the company of their furry friends, savoring every moment in the daycare’s expansive outdoor spaces.

6:00 PM – Dinner Time

Two dogs resting inside kennelIt’s dinner time for the boarding dogs. Their rooms are made up with beds, and everything is prepped for them to come inside for the evening so all the dogs can unwind and have important quiet time.

The boarding dogs and the last of the doggy daycare pups still get to play and enjoy their facilities.

6:30 PM – Quiet Time

Boarding dogs are brought to their private rooms and suites to rest after a full day of daily activities. They are given dinner, and medications, and settle into their rooms for the night. Any remaining daycare pups get to unwind for the last 30 minutes in an individual room or one of the indoor yards. 

7:00 PM – Lights Out

It’s been a long, fun day, and now it’s time for lights out. Boarding dogs are “tucked in” and receive some love from the workers. Then, the lights are off, and pups enjoy a bedtime playlist so they can sleep well. 

A day in the life at K-9 Castle is full of adventure, pampering, relaxation, and time with pup friends. But the best part of doggy daycare or boarding? They get to do it all again tomorrow!

A day in the life at K-9 Castle is a magnificent blend of adventure, pampering, relaxation, and cherished moments with fellow furry friends.

But what makes it even more special? The promise of doing it all over again tomorrow, creating a never-ending tale of tail-wagging happiness at this pet paradise.